Sunday, May 11, 2014

going to all the nations

the great commission stated in matthew 25.

Jesus tells us to go into all the world and teach people to obey all that He commanded us. the great thing about this is that one of His last commands on earth is to go into all the world...and then He tells us to teach all the nations to obey everything He commanded us. anyone who can twist this scripture into something anything else than what it says is as it is written "conceited and understands nothing."(1 timothy) Romans says in the last chapters that these people "deceive the minds of the naive". in 2 john Jesus words say that anyone who transgresses and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have God. the scripture calls these people deceivers and liars. in The the beginning of Romans the scripture says that people know God's righteous degree that those who do such things deserve death. things such as murder, envy, liying, disobedient to parents, immorality, inventors of evil. so basically you are without excuse not to fulfill the great commision. just as Jesus said in the Last Supper. "now they have no excuse for their sin". The parable of the weeds is a good explanation of what happens to someone after reading matthew and the great commission. they either forget, endure for a while and then fall away after testing, decide to love the world and go after its desires, or finally someone may read this passage and with a noble and good heart, hear it and keep it, sell their possessions(matthew 19, luke 12) endure through any tribulation trusting God and His promises, and go into all the world sharing their faith and teaching and preaching sound doctrine which bears fruit to make that person either great or small in the Kingdom of Heaven. The thing is is that eternal life or judgment is as stake. it will happen no matter what you think so those who obey the commands of the Bible and have faith in Jesus will recieve the Holy Spirit to be with Them forever and see the Father in heaven. those who decide to succumb to temptation and lust will bear eternal wrath in complete darkness where there will weeping and gnashing of teeth. God's eternal power can be known by what has been made so men are without excuse. but the thing is is that if your loving and setting your mind on this world your living as God's enemy weather or not your preaching and teaching. So we cant just listnen to the word and decieve ourselves, we must do what it says. the problem is that in 2 timothy paul says that people will not endure sound doctrine in the coming times and will turn away from the truth. in hebrews it says that every trangression of the old Law deserved its just punishment so how can we escape such a great salvation in the Gospel, the new law. here  is a commandment that people dont put up with... 1 thessalonians, pray without ceasing give thanks in every circumstance, rejoice always. 1 timothy, i do not permit a woman to teach or usurp authority over a man, she must remain silent. these are commands but people say it was either directed towards that paticular audience or that culture. in 1 corinthians is says, "did the word of God originate with you or are you the only people it has reached. meaning that this word has reached everyone. second the culture doesnt work either because in colossians the scripture says "let no one decieve you by empty the tradition of men and..the elemental spirits of the world." 1 john says that. "the man who says i know Him but does obey what He commands is a liar and the truth is not in him."

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